Question: What are some of the potential sites the grant hopes to address?

Several potential sites include:

  1. Great Stone Viaduct in Bellaire, OH. This site has had some assessment work completed but still needs more Phase II ESA work. The plan is to turn this site into a park.
  2. Grow Ohio Valley Food Storage Hub. This site is an abandoned warehouse located at 134 17th Street in Wheeling, WV. This site recently had a Phase I ESA funded by our current Brownfield grant and a Phase II is also suggested. The end use for this site will be a food storage hub/shared kitchen space, owned and operated by the non-profit organization Grow Ohio Valley, which specializes in urban farming, food security and nutrition education.
  3. Wheeling Island Gateway Park in Wheeling, WV. This site is adjacent to the Wheeling Suspension Bridge and will be turned into a park with river access.
  4. Grow Ohio Valley’s Edible Mountain Project. This project is located on Vineyard Hill in downtown Wheeling, WV and plans are to turn it into a park with trails and visitor’s center.  The hill has had previous industrial and residential use.